Thursday, December 18, 2014

Fingerprints and Toilet Lid Locks

This home study is moving right along.  I am slowly but surely getting all the paperwork together and we just got fingerprinted this week.  That was an interesting experience.  There was no ink involved at all. You simple pushed your hands in all sorts of ways on this glass screen.  Possibly the most awkward part was that you get fingerprinted right next to the people registering as sex offenders.  An odd arrangement if you ask me but I suppose it's convenient. Ha!

So now that we have all the beginning parts of our home study pretty much done involving paperwork, we have officially scheduled our first home visit!!!!  On Tuesday (yep the day before Christmas Eve) our social worker will come pay us a visit.  I don't really know what to expect.  A sweet friend who has adopted multiple times insists it's not that bad and that the social worker wants to be on your side.  But I'm not gonna lie… I'm resisting the urge to bolt down the Christmas tree, buy those toilet lid locks and sell my dogs.

But, we have managed to keep two kids alive in our loving, not-so-baby-proofed home.  So at least we have that on our sides!

Wish us luck!

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