Why Adoption?

That's right folks! We are beginning the domestic adoption process and are so excited!  

We have already gotten lots of questions from family and friends so I think we'll start by answering the most common question, "Why adoption?"  Here are a few reasons why we are pursuing adoption:

James 1:27 God’s word tells us in James 1:27 that: “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.”  While we do not believe that the Lord calls everyone to adoption, we do believe that is the role we have been called to play in "caring for orphans."  

We are firmly "pro-life"  We both hold firm the belief that every life is important and worthy of love - whether born or unborn.  We believe that the Lord has specifically called us to live out our pro-life stance by welcoming into our family a child that was bravely given life by his/her/their birth mother.

Support Birth Mothers We want to honor the brave choice of adoption made by birth mothers.  We strongly believe that the decision made by birth mothers to choose life for their unborn child, despite their inability to care for that child, is possibly one of the most self-less and noble decisions.  These mothers should be honored, respected and supported. 

Adoption: Plan A  Even before we were engaged, we discussed adoption, how we both felt called to adopt, and how we knew that God wanted that to be a part of the story of our family.  We want to grow our family, and we believe adoption is the way in which the Lord would like us to do that.

We are all adopted.  The Lord has adopted each of us as his own and loves us unconditionally, no matter our background, actions, skin color, or birth situation.  And, we want to mirror the gospel of Jesus Christ in our family as best we can.

We are thrilled to start this journey.  If it is half as exciting as the last couple of years, it's surely to be an entertaining journey.  So hop on, buckle up, and get ready for a wild ride!  We covet your prayers and are open to any and all questions you may have.  Thanks so much for reading!

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