Monday, August 12, 2013

Zoey's 2 Year Pictures

My sister is in town from Richmond.  She hasn't been home in 7 months... way too long!!!  She is staying with us all week and Zoey is beyond ecstatic to have her here.  The day Aunt LuLu leaves will be a very very sad day in our house.

Libby graciously offered to help me take some 2-year-old pictures of Zoey.  Zoey turns two on Aug. 15 (so in 3 days) but since I had a helper present, I seized the chance.  We got out at ASF's garden in the morning but it was still blistering hot.  My sis was such a good sport... hoping around, running and hiding to try and get me a good photo-op.  Most of the time Zoey would walk around and hold her hand out saying "Come on LuLu!" as seen in the picture below.

I tried my best to capture some pictures but Zoey is so stinking busy.  She never stops and I have taken so many pictures of her over her lifetime that she is not at all intrigued by the camera. She totally ignores me and was only interested in what LuLu was doing.

Zoey was in a great mood though.  Dancing, running and playing all over the garden.  She is such a fun little girl.  Love her to pieces.

 Hurry snap a pictures... she's being still!!!!!!

Did I mention she is NEVER still?

 And if she is... she is rarely smiling.  She has this smirk b/c she is trying not to smile or ignoring me.  Little stinker.

 I can't believe how big Zoey has gotten.  She just looks like a little lady already.  

Slow down time please!!!

1 comment:

Mellie said...

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful, growing-up-too-fast little girl...

P.S. I've officially marked September 5th down on my calendar!