Friday, May 31, 2013

Pregnancy with Norah: Weeks 21-24

Wow I have fallen behind!  A lot has been going on around here!  Mainly we have been to a lot of doctor appointments.  Several weeks back we went to a high-risk ultrasound that I qualified for insurance to cover due my pregnancy history.  At that appointment they noticed excess fluid on a part of Norah's brain.  Really long story short, we have been given a very serious diagnosis for her that can mean severe delays and challenges for her but it could also mean nothing much.  It is apparent that she needs a shunt to be placed to help drain the fluid very soon after birth.  Basically you have ventricles in your brain that drain fluid... one or part of Norah's is either malformed or blocked some how preventing the fluid from draining.  The pressure from the fluid has already caused some brain damage meaning it has prevented the brain from developing as it should.

There are still a lot of questions unanswered... what exactly does this mean for her future? Will she be born early?  When will she have the shunt put in?  How will this change life for us?  Believe me... I have dwelt over all those questions and then about a million more.  I have done more research than I know what to do with and my brain can process.  I have cried, gotten mad, questioned God and still found time to be excited and praise God for this blessing.  I'm just basically one big ball of mood swings over here... poor Jerrod.

If anyone reads this, we are simply asking for prayers that the fluid stabilize and decrease.  This would frankly be a miracle but He is able!  We had a family vacation this week at the lake and as I was sitting on the pier by myself and looking at the water it occurred to me... Our God can make all this water appear and disappear, He is more than able to make millimeters of fluid disappear.  Whether He decides to do that now or later is up to Him. His plans are better, wiser and much more planned out than I could fathom (I don't even know what color to paint my toenails tonight).  I trust His plan. I do, but I'm not going to lie and say I'm happy with it.  But I will tell you I am happy to have the privilege to be Norah's mommy.  That thought is never fleeting.  I love her with a fire I can't begin to explain and she will be spoiled rotten... no doubt.  I absolutely can't wait to meet her and see what amazing plan He has for her.  It will surely be big!

Now on to the lighthearted pregnancy stuff....

Here are my twenty-first through twenty-fourth week stats:
  • Maternity clothes? I am definitely in maternity pants and all maternity tops, except of course t-shirts and tank tops which is what you will find me in most days.
  • Movement? Norah is a mover.  She has busy days and laid back days but most days I have a few times a day where I can watch her move from the outside.  I can feel her movement pretty high... several inches above my bellybutton.
  • Sleep? I am sleeping much better.  My hip pain is better but that may just be b/c I'm keeping pillows handy and shifting sides often.  The reflux is still raging, even with meds.  But the past week has been better.
  • Symptoms? My allergies are still insane, some days are better than others.  
  • Food cravings? Pretty much everything.  This child likes everything... I specifically crave sandwiches with lots of meat (particularly Country's BBQ Club Sandwich and Firehouse Subs Italian Sub) and fruit drinks (specifically Gatorade, blue powered and lemonade).
  • Food aversions? Still no doughnuts please. :)
  • Labor signs? Nope although I think I have had a few Braxton Hicks lately.
  • Best moment of the week? Reaching viability!!!  (A little more info about viability.)


The girl he left behind is still behind him. said...

Lots of strong prayers going your way Abby. I feel for you and Jerrod and I hope so much that all turns out alright. No parent deserves problems like that and no child does. You two are surely strong! xo

Abby said...

Thanks so much Ashley! We actually got some really promising news at our doctor's appointment this week... I'll post more about it on my Week 25 update. :)

Keep the prayers coming!!!

The girl he left behind is still behind him. said...

Yay that's so great to hear! I'll be looking out :)