Monday, May 11, 2015

The Grant & The Mom

I mentioned in my previous blog, we have been awarded a $3,000 matching grant through Lifesong for Orphans. This grant is funded by our AWESOME church, Frazer UMC.  And there's more awesome news... over $1,500 has already been pledged to our grant.  So that's right folks... we are $1,500 away from going active meaning we are $1,500 away from being selected as parents by a birth mom for her precious baby.  Holy guacamole batman!  We are SO CLOSE!  We would be so honored if you would prayerfully consider donating!  So as I promised in my previous blog, here is the info on how to donate towards our matching grant:

Donate Online
  1. Go to:
  2. Select “Give to an Adoptive Family.”
  3. Complete the form and MAKE SURE YOU PUT OUR FAMILY NAME (Dorminey) AND NUMBER (5291) to assure it goes to the correct account.
Donate by Check
  1. Fill out your check and MAKE SURE YOU PUT "Preference Dorminey 5291" in the "for" section to assure it goes towards our account.
  2. Please mail to
             Lifesong for Orphans
             PO Box 40
             Gridley, IL 61744

With going active right around the corner, the birth mother has been on my heart and mind constantly. My heart has been aching for her and I catch myself getting emotional about the decision she must be facing and how she must be feeling.  My goodness, the pressure, the fear, the worry, the unknown... THE SACRIFICE, THE SELFLESSNESS.  I just can't imagine.  So could you all do me a favor?  Please pray for this woman wherever she may be, whoever she may be.  Let's lift her up through prayer so that the Lord may wrap His arms around her and fill her with peace, courage and strength.  I absolutely can't wait to love on her and her precious child and tell her how much I admire her and her choice of life for her child.  I can't help but think that God is orchestrating this in this timing because He has her in mind and us in mind and is writing this beautiful story that will forever bind our lives together.  Our God is awesome like that... truly taking brokenness and turning it into something stunningly beautiful called adoption.  I can't wait to see what the next part of the story is and we are so grateful to have you all supporting us and joining us! 

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