Wednesday, May 27, 2015


We. Are. Active. Folks.

Goodness... this is so exciting!!!

"Active" means we are at the stage of our adoption where we are waiting to hear about cases with birth moms and their precious babies.  We will be contacted with situations that meet the criteria we set out as things we are open to.  Then we will say yes or no to being presented on those cases.  When we are "presented" that just means that our adoption consultant will send our profile for the birth mother to look at.  Then we wait for an answer saying if we are picked yet or not.  We can present on a bunch of situations or we can present on one and be picked by the first one we present on. There is really no rhyme or reason to how this will play out besides the Lord doing His thing.  We are waiting on Him to send us our child. 

So since we are active that does mean we have raised over half of our long term goal of $33,000.  Right now, we have right at $19,500 raised.  When we are matched we will right a check for the first half of the funds (which we have) and when our child is placed in our arms, we have to write a check for the last half... which is why we are still fundraising. 

While fundraising is humbling and not something I love doing (who loves saying "Hey! We want to do XYZ but we don't have all the money to do it... can you give me some money?"), I know it's what we need to be doing right now, and I know it's what God wants us to do... so we are, but I do hope that you all hear our hearts when we say that, we are doing this out of obedience, not because we simply enjoy signing up to do things that we don't have the money to do and expecting others to fund it.  That's not it at all.  We are simply doing what the Lord has laid on our hearts and trusting that He will provide.  Because only He can in this situation. On He can move in others hearts to make this happen... in His timing... in His way.

So if you do feel led to be a part of our adoption story in this way, then I have included some info below on how you make a tax-deductible donation through Lifesong for Orphans.  Every dime will go towards our adoption costs.  We qualified for a $3,000 matching grant but have already met that amount.  However, Lifesong graciously allows us to continue to use that fund to fundraise making it possible for donors to continue to donate and receive credit for their taxes.  Here are those details:

To donate online:
1.) Go to
2.) Select "Give to an Adoptive Family"
3.) Complete the form and MAKE SURE YOU PUT OUR FAMILY NAME (Dorminey) AND NUMBER (5291) to assure it goes to the correct account.

To donate by check:
1.) Fill out your check and MAKE SURE TO PUT "Preference Dorminey 5291" in the "for" section to assure it goes towards the correct account.
2.) Please mail to: Lifesong for Orphans PO Box 40 Gridley, IL 61744

And if you aren't able to donate, your prayers are just as needed in this process. We ask for prayers for the birth mother, and all that she is facing and that God would grant us the opportunity to not just love her child, but to also love on her in a way that shows her how much she is loved by God.

We are ecstatic to see what the Lord does with this and how He opens doors.  Thank you all so much who have played a part in making this possible thus far.  We love and appreciate you so much!!!

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