First things first… happy happy news! We are home study approved! Woot woot! So now that we are home study approved, we are simply waiting on the Lord's timing and the funds to be raised, which I explained in my previous blog post that we need to raise half the total adoption costs to be eligible to match.
Now, if you will take a look over at that nifty little thermometer over there to the right of the blog, you will see that it has gone up! Yay for progress! This past week has been filled with blessings, especially financial blessings.
Our Newk's fundraiser brought in $161 and the Tshirt fundraiser brought in $689.36. In addition to those two fundraisers, we received $420 in cash donations from friends and family this past week. So yea… WOW! That's $1,270.36 in a week!!! I'm just speechless. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who swung by Newks to grab a bite to eat, purchased a shirt and made donations towards our adoption. We really can't thank you enough.
Now that brings the grand total money raised to $7,000.29! Almost half way there!
March is wrapping up along with a few fundraisers we have going on right now. We still have two fundraisers running through the end of March. We would be honored if you felt so led to make a purchase:
20% of profits at this Etsy shop go to our adoption ---> The Intentional LifeI especially love the ABC Scripture Memory cards she is selling in her shop right now. What a perfect idea for your child's Easter basket!!!
A dear friend and independent consultant with Rodan+Fields, Leslie Word is also offering 20% of profits of her sales in March to our adoption. You can contact her for more information on their skincare products here ---> Leslieharris77@gmail.comI'm very tempted to try out the sunless tanner she's been promoting on her Facebook page!
We continue to be filled with so much gratitude for everyone's generosity. I have to be honest though… fundraising is not my thing. It's awkward, exhausting, uncomfortable and the most pride-less thing I have ever done. But, I know it is what the Lord wants us to do right now… trust Him in the process - beginning, middle, and beyond - even if it means we are uncomfortable. Because the point of this life is not to see who can get to the end feeling the most comfortable. I pray daily that my life would be used up fully for His glory. We have dealt with many struggles in our marriage and family, in particular with our girls and the process of growing our family. But, if there is anything I have learned through the past four years, it is this:

So here's to feeling uncomfortable! And all the exciting things that will come along with it! Show out God!
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