Friday, October 11, 2013

Dressed for Church!

It is so neat to me how the idea of church and God and Jesus are all starting to form in Zoey's adorable little mind.  This morning she came running in my room, jumped on the bed and said "I read my Bible Mommy."  The funny thing was that her "Bible" was actually a Berenstain Bear's book which made the event even more precious than it already was.  Then this evening she said she wanted to get dressed for church.  So I asked her what she wanted to wear.  This is what she picked...

Scripture tells us to bring your best to the Lord and according to Zoey dressing your best for Jesus means a sassy fox shirt, "wots uh pone-tails," silver sandals and of course some Hello Kitty panties.  ;)  Love this kid!!!

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